
Hologram Accessories

Trend Alert!

Here are a few snaps of hologram accessories and clothes... 

Not entirely sure how I feel about this new craze. Enjoy...   

Living Mannequin…
My latest inspirational youngin’ goes by the handle @SA_FatShionista on twitter but is known by the name Marcia to those close to her. Her edgy fashion sense and amazing personality have made her a hit on the social network, her bio reads: Founder of #TeamBigGirls in SA and “Be your own standard of beautiful.”
She is a tattoo enthusiast and also runs an amazing blog that gives insight into her life and all things Marcia. She spends her spare time with friends or just having quiet moments with herself.
We love Marcia for her quirkiness, amazing dress sense and embracing beauty in all forms, read on for more reasons why she is one to watch…
Oh and sorry boys but she is spoken for!

Quick fire Q’s:
This winter I’m rocking... Sunglasses STILL! lol and blonde hair

Everything in moderation except... My nails.. Nail art is the way I’m going this winter for that bit of colour, or with me, Craziness

The fragrance I’m wearing... Elizabeth Arden: Red Door Revealed.

My Favourite magazine... Glamour…You get so much from such miniature mag. Love it!

The most valuable thing I learnt from my mom is… Respect and Appreciation. I’ve learnt to always appreciate what i receive because there’s a possibility of NOT having it at all.

My no.1 beauty tip is... It always goes back to the old saying "Beauty comes from within”... Embrace your inner beauty and it’ll reflect on the outside

Word Association:
Style: Comfort
Happiness: Family
Education: Importance
Music: Harmony
Respect: Earned

Wanna know more about Marcia? Follow her @SA_FatShionista or subscribe to her blog:
Look out for my last post on inspirational young South Africans… it’s been an amazing journey so far!

Gentlemen’s  Club...
Socialite, student leadership,artist and fashionista, Neo Kagiso Modise is a force to be reckoned with, I sat down with Neo to discuss how he does it all, and draw some inspiration from this young mover and shaker.

 follow Neo: @ne_kamo

Background: Neo is currently studying a national diploma in Banking with credits at the University of Johannesburg, planning the Mr and Miss SWC pageant for the campus, which he hopes will turn into an annual event under his guidance. If he is not out and about partying up a storm, focusing on his academics or moulding his political career he spends time watching TV,going out for movies, shopping,reading blogs and novels, chilling with friends and texting!! his relationship status? "Its complicated!"
Quick fire Q’s:
This winter Im rocking... Chinos, chined up shirts, im rocking the monochromatic trend, bomber jackets and fedoras.

Everything in moderation except... Good winter sex... and quality clothing, you sure dont want to spend the entire winter with a cold.

The fragrance Im wearing... Platinum English Blazer and New West

My favourite magazines...
Vogue, Cosmopolitan, True Love & You.

The most valuable thing I learnt from my mom is...
PERSEVERENCE! her life defines the term.

My NO.1 beauty tip is... Confidence... nothing is more beatiful than someone that knows and trusts that they are beautiful.

Word Association:
STYLE: Born with it!!
MUSIC: Heals


BB and CC creams for chocolate skin...

You’d have to be living under a really large rock to not know that BB and CC creams are all the rage in the beauty world right now. The new kids on the block are said to contain highly reflective ingredients that effectively cover blemishes and provide a lot more coverage than regular tinted moisturisers. 

BB creams (Beauty Balms/blemish balms) and CC creams (Colour Control) sound like a dream come true for women with uneven skin tone and blemish prone skin. Naturally I jumped at the first chance to try one of these ‘miracle’ products out for myself. 

I was unfortunately disappointed by the lack of product for dark skinned women. I purchased a tube of Garnier’s BB Miracle Skin Perfector cream in their Dark shade (R79.00) and was pleasantly surprised by how light and easy it was to apply- no mess, no fuss. I did find it a little light on my skin as I am a deeper shade of brown but overall it was a good investment.

I can’t wait to get my hands on Ponds latest release which is specifically formulated for dark skin, hopefully in the near future there will be a larger range of BB and CC creams for all shades of skin.


Style Star

'Diffusion' lines have finally hit SA, David Tlale in Legit, Jo Borkett in Edgars, finally women all over SA can be the proud owners of garments from designers they admire- on a budget!

Thandi walking the VDT for Legit range
Just recently David Tlale presented his line in his hometown of Vosloorus. I sat down with Thandi Mokoana (handpicked by Mr. Tlale himself to walk his VDT range) to discuss life, love and trends in a quick fire interview, this is the first of a few posts geared towards celebrating young, inspirational South Africans. Enjoy...
Q: What are you currently studying, what are you doing in your spare time and what’s your relationship status?
A: I’m studying towards a BCom in Business Management through UNISA. I do promotions for luxury fragrances at a company called Crimsonroom Communications. I just recently got into modeling but I’m not sure if it’s worth pursuing , in my spare time I’m with friends and family, I’m listening to music or watching TV. I’m single!!!!

uick fire Q’s-
   1. This winter I'm rocking...
       Cute blazers and ankle boots
   2. Everthing in moderation except...
3. The fragrance I'm wearing...
My job allows me to wear virtually every fragrance.

I just fell in love withChristian
Dior- Hypnotic Poison, Valentina by Valentino & Versace eau     Fraishe (for men)

4. My favourite magazine...

Valentina by Valentino

5. The most valuable thing I learnt from my mom is...

Do not quit your job to pursue a passion.Try doing both at the same time.

 6. My no.1 beauty tip is...
     Ask for a second or even third opinion!

W ord association-
                             STYLE:                         Jennifer Lopez
                             HAPPINESS:                Family
                             EDUCATION:              The sh*t I have to pay for with my  
                             RESPECT:                    Gotta earn it to recieve it.

Follow Thandi @Thandigm and watch her star rise!



My 15 minutes of F.A. M. E!!

My 15 minutes of F (fact) A (awe) M (morality) E (excellence)…

I was recently offered  a guest appearance on Soweto TV’s hit show Sistas, the topic that we tackled was World Aids Day and the AIDS pandemic, we touched on matters such as Aids Awareness, Relationships and HIV, Sugar- daddy’s and the youths perspective on AIDS. I was impressed by how up to speed my friends were on the topic, in awe of the professionalism of the crew, fascinated by the  moralist- orientated choice of topic and its relevance, as the day of screening was followed by- you guessed it…World Aids Day and the excellent choice of guests didn’t hurt one bit! *winks* I’ve loaded a snippet of our segment on the show, one of us goof-balling in the green room and some pictures of us on set… Next step… 3 Talk With Noeleen  LOL!

Hi people, yeah its been a while since I last posted! Today I'm bringing you the last post on my young and inspirational South Africans as promised months back (lol!sorry for the delay)...

The Son God...
I had the honour of having Rashid Kay complete a quick interview for me, for those of you who dont know who Rashid is (which rock are you living under?), he is a Jo'burg based Hip Hop artist who has three albums to date, he is a member of Hip Hop trio Pyramid Skeem and is the strategist for the upcoming SAHHA's (South African Hip Hop Awards). Rashid has worked with numerous local and international artists and has been featured on blogs such as and pitsere.
These are some of the things I wanted to know about him... hope you enjoy it...
Q: How did you get into hip- hop and why is it your passion?

A: A friend of mine by the name of Owen gave a cassette of NWA when I was a teenager. I got stuck to Hip Hop ever since.

I started writing my own scripts at the age of 14 and appeared on Jam Alley as a contestant. I've always been outspoken so the freedom of expression and the use of language in Hip Hop made it easy for me to be passionate about it.

Q: What are you up to at the moment (projects, events, etc.)?
A: I'm working on a Hip Hop documentary called "Fede Fokol" for SABC1.
Then releasing my new album "RA- THE SON GOD" in 2012. I'm performing all over the country, wherever I get booked.

Q: Future plans?                                                
A: I want to have a TV show about SA Hip Hop. Own a Hip Hop radio
station. Publish books that I'm currently working on. Get married and
raise kids.

If you want to find out more about Rashid, his music and other projects, check him out at the following places:

@rashid_kay on Twitter


I cant think of a better way to end off my review on amazing young South Africans.I hope you found some inspiration from each one of them and are motivated by their drive and ambition.  
Thats all for now... xoxo