
Hi people, yeah its been a while since I last posted! Today I'm bringing you the last post on my young and inspirational South Africans as promised months back (lol!sorry for the delay)...

The Son God...
I had the honour of having Rashid Kay complete a quick interview for me, for those of you who dont know who Rashid is (which rock are you living under?), he is a Jo'burg based Hip Hop artist who has three albums to date, he is a member of Hip Hop trio Pyramid Skeem and is the strategist for the upcoming SAHHA's (South African Hip Hop Awards). Rashid has worked with numerous local and international artists and has been featured on blogs such as and pitsere.
These are some of the things I wanted to know about him... hope you enjoy it...
Q: How did you get into hip- hop and why is it your passion?

A: A friend of mine by the name of Owen gave a cassette of NWA when I was a teenager. I got stuck to Hip Hop ever since.

I started writing my own scripts at the age of 14 and appeared on Jam Alley as a contestant. I've always been outspoken so the freedom of expression and the use of language in Hip Hop made it easy for me to be passionate about it.

Q: What are you up to at the moment (projects, events, etc.)?
A: I'm working on a Hip Hop documentary called "Fede Fokol" for SABC1.
Then releasing my new album "RA- THE SON GOD" in 2012. I'm performing all over the country, wherever I get booked.

Q: Future plans?                                                
A: I want to have a TV show about SA Hip Hop. Own a Hip Hop radio
station. Publish books that I'm currently working on. Get married and
raise kids.

If you want to find out more about Rashid, his music and other projects, check him out at the following places:

@rashid_kay on Twitter


I cant think of a better way to end off my review on amazing young South Africans.I hope you found some inspiration from each one of them and are motivated by their drive and ambition.  
Thats all for now... xoxo  

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