
Living Mannequin…
My latest inspirational youngin’ goes by the handle @SA_FatShionista on twitter but is known by the name Marcia to those close to her. Her edgy fashion sense and amazing personality have made her a hit on the social network, her bio reads: Founder of #TeamBigGirls in SA and “Be your own standard of beautiful.”
She is a tattoo enthusiast and also runs an amazing blog that gives insight into her life and all things Marcia. She spends her spare time with friends or just having quiet moments with herself.
We love Marcia for her quirkiness, amazing dress sense and embracing beauty in all forms, read on for more reasons why she is one to watch…
Oh and sorry boys but she is spoken for!

Quick fire Q’s:
This winter I’m rocking... Sunglasses STILL! lol and blonde hair

Everything in moderation except... My nails.. Nail art is the way I’m going this winter for that bit of colour, or with me, Craziness

The fragrance I’m wearing... Elizabeth Arden: Red Door Revealed.

My Favourite magazine... Glamour…You get so much from such miniature mag. Love it!

The most valuable thing I learnt from my mom is… Respect and Appreciation. I’ve learnt to always appreciate what i receive because there’s a possibility of NOT having it at all.

My no.1 beauty tip is... It always goes back to the old saying "Beauty comes from within”... Embrace your inner beauty and it’ll reflect on the outside

Word Association:
Style: Comfort
Happiness: Family
Education: Importance
Music: Harmony
Respect: Earned

Wanna know more about Marcia? Follow her @SA_FatShionista or subscribe to her blog:
Look out for my last post on inspirational young South Africans… it’s been an amazing journey so far!

1 comment:

  1. Oh cool man! She's been one of the coolest (and body positive) Twitter and blogger follows I've made. Cool peoples she is.
