
Global Youth
Service Day.

11-13 April 2014.

Igniting patriotism. Encouraging civic duty. Promoting collaboration. Building society, one community at a time.

This year was my first time celebrating global youth service day, it is unfortunate that not many young people are aware of international days of service such as this one as it would be amazing to see young people taking part in making their communities a better place. I had a lot of fun with my United 2013 team throughout the weekend and cannot wait to get my   hands dirty again in the service of my community.

11 April – Values: The day was spent at Protea South Park rehabilitating the neglected park and the focus was the principles underpinning service, leadership and civic duty.

12 April- Knowledge:  We worked with the Mabaleng Disability Forum doing a door to door discussion with community members with regard to the clean-up of land to be used for agricultural and recreational purposes for people with disabilities and surrounding communities. It was great engaging with community members and finding out what views they shared and ideas they had about how the piece of land should be utilized.

13 April- Skills:  A visit to the Seymour farm saw us using the day to learn different aspects of the farming process in an attempt to develop abilities and talents to contribute constructively. We were taught about the effort and time spent in farming, from planting to harvesting.

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