
Election Awareness.

Hi All... YouthLab is doing some really amazing work! We are only days away from Elections and I'm swamped with school work but I had to share this... the below extract is an e-mail I received from the YouthLab team. I hope this will be as useful to you as it was to me. I've added the accompanying link for your convenience.

"Whilst the act of voting is important, perhaps what is equally important is voting from a point where you are well-informed on what a party is promising. The best way to do this is by reading an election manifesto and making a decision based on which manifesto aligns with your views the most. However, manifestos are often long and reading them seems like a mundane task. Youth Lab has made this process easier. We have read the manifestos of 13 different political parties and summarised them into infographics for you to have a look at. In these infographics, we have highlighted what parties had to say regarding 5 issues that we think South Africans are most concerned about:

Crime & Safety
Economic Activity
Land Reform

Below, is a sample of what these infographics 
look like." 

follow the link below for more...

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