
Winter Wonderland...

I've never been keen on winter but over the past year ive learnt how to embrace the South African winter and my ultimate Winter Fashion Fetish is Trench Coats... I think with the right trench and attitude we can all kick the cold to the curb... the hottest thing trending in S.A winter fashion at the moment is Army fashioned tayloring... big buttons paired with cool neutrals or screams of  'notice me' bright colours... Winter Wonderland...
Just a sneek peek of my all time favourite coats this winter... these hot lil' numbers have ushered me through some COLD days!

Hot Pink with duel black button detail- Edgars, Kelso
Black with black Dual button detail- Hang Ten
Beige Flare Trench, Duel army style button detail -YDE, Phenomena


Breaking into the Makeup Biz!

So my cuz Thandi and I have hatched this amazing idea of launching into the makeup business and im having an awesome time just trying to kick start this little venture.
how did it all begin?...
Well a friend of mine had mentioned that I would do a horrible job as a hair stylist but would do a bang- up job as a makeup artist! I ran this past my best cuz as a joke and (at the risk of sounding clichéd) The rest is just history.
To test my makeup artistry skills we decided to get to work right away... for your Entertainment...